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Our current offerings include a film trilogy, Dominarium, and a progressive integration of AI into the streaming video space. To learn more, use the contact form to get in touch with us.

Coexistence vs. Collapse

Making the Case for Open Source Government

YouTube (11:27)

Confronting the Existential Threats of Unregulated Social Media

While it's true that the Facebook/Meta platform does provide some good things for people, it's also responsible for promoting harmful and sometimes lethal activities, including threats to democracy, the growth of domestic terrorism, climate change denial, malicious propaganda, political lies, and lethal pandemic disinformation. This short-film documentary sheds some light on why this is happening and what can be done about it.

YouTube (09:15)


Reflections on personal, national, and global loss in 2020, striving to survive within the contradictions, hypocrisy, genocidal history and constraints of the social experiment more commonly known as American Democracy.

YouTube (04:58)

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